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In text analysis, the concept of compounds words is difficult to accurately capture, especially when performing term frequency analysis. To accommodate the identification and counting of a multi-term idea/concept, terms comprised of two or more words are combined into a unified term.


unified.terms(comment, clean = TRUE)



string of characters (usually text) to be evaluated and unified. Alternatively, the column containing the comments can be passed to the function as often is done via dplyr::mutate()


logical indicating if the function should also clean the comments to be unified; default: TRUE. See clean.comment() for the details on comment cleaning.


vector of comments where predetermined terms are unified (and possibly cleaned unless the user has changed the default). NOTE: Unified terms are camel case. For example, "wi-fi" is returned as "WiFi" and "burn out" is returned as "burnOut".


comment <- "The Wi-Fi is down. My mental health is bad because  I lost my financial Aid."

#> [1] "the WiFi is down. my mentalHealth is bad because i lost my finAid."
# "the WiFi is down. my mentalHealth is bad because i lost my finAid."