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The “How I like to be Mentored” activity is available on Google Docs for you to download (preferably as a Word document) and complete.

  • I want our working relationship to be…
  • I expect a mentor to help me with…
  • My top five priorities in life are…
  • I expect that this experience will affect my career goals by…
  • I want to learn [these specific skills, soft and technical] from you, and here is why…
  • I can help you learn more about…
  • My top three strengths are…
  • The three things I struggle the most with are…
  • I like to work in [this type of working environment], and this is why…
  • I prefer to have management meetings during the (select all that apply: morning | after lunch | afternoon)
  • I prefer to have group/technical meetings during the (select all that apply: morning | after lunch | afternoon)
  • I prefer to perform office-related tasks during the (select all that apply: early morning | mid-morning | late morning | after lunch | afternoon | evening | night)
  • I prefer to work on projects during the (select all that apply: early morning | mid-morning | late morning | after lunch | afternoon | evening | night)
  • My preferred communication mode is…
  • When I need technical help, I usually…
  • When I need emotional help, I usually…
  • When I am angry, I usually…
  • When I am stressed, I usually…
  • When approaching me about a concern, I want you to…
  • The best way to approach me with a concern regarding my work is…
  • The best way to approach me with a concern regarding my actions is…
  • I tend to approach others with a concern in the following manner…
  • Anything else I think is important to share: