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Accessing MSUEDW Data using R

While the Oracle SQL Developer is a nice application for exploring the available data, and dBeaver Community is even better, why use one application to access and download and another to analyze the data? The following R code examples and snippets provide a collection of common MSUEDW data pulls and merges done entirely in R. We believe off-loading filters and merges to a locol machine reduces the load on the SQL server. NB: We commonly – and encourage – the use dBeaver of explore the various Views/Tables within the EDW to explore the contained data and determine the fields of interest. Additionally, we use dBeaver to determine fields to restrict data pulls.

The following documentation is segmented into sections based on specific actions.

Download and Install the Oracle Database JDBC driver and Companion Jars Downloads

Visit the Oracle Database JDBC driver and Companion Jars Downloads page and download the Zipped JDBC driver (ojdbc11.jar) and Companion Jars file.

The following instructions are for installation on macOS (version 11 or newer). Similar steps should work on Linux and Windows.

Command Line Install

Within your home directory (aka folder) create a software directory. Move the ojdbc11-full.tar.gz file into the software and unzip the file. The easiest way to accomplish this is via the macOS Terminal. When downloading the ojdbc11-full.tar.gz file you were likely given the option where to save it. Please save it to the Downloads directory.

emilio@iMac ~ % mkdir -p software
emilio@iMac ~ % cd software
emilio@iMac software % tar zxvf ~/Downloads/ojdbc11-full.tar.gz
emilio@iMac software % cd ojdbc11-full
emilio@iMac ojdbc11-full % ls
Javadoc-Readmes    ojdbc.policy      ojdbc11dms_g.jar   osdt_cert.jar    ucp11.jar
LICENSE.txt        ojdbc11.jar       ons.jar            osdt_core.jar    xdb.jar
README.txt         ojdbc11_g.jar     oraclepki.jar      rsi.jar          xmlparserv2.jar
dms.jar            ojdbc11dms.jar    orai18n.jar        simplefan.jar    xmlparserv2_sans_jaxp_services.jar

Install Via the File Viewer

Open a macOS finder window and ensure you are in your home directory.

  • Create a folder called “software”
  • Copy (or move) the ojdbc11-full.tar.gz file to the software folder
  • Double click the ojdbc11-full.tar.gz file to unzip the file

Location of the OJDBC Jar File

The location (aka complete path) of the ojdbc11.jar file is needed to set the classPath variable for the RJDBC::JDBC() function within the R script below. For my installation, the classPath is /Users/emilio/software/ojdbc11-full/ojdbc11.jar

Install Java- and SQL-specific R Packages

The following packages are needed to access the MSUEDW SQL server. They only need to be installed once, but if you upgrade your R instance, you might need to reinstall these packages. The DBI, rJava, and RJDBC packages allow R to connect to the Oracle database, while keyring safely stores your password. The tidyverse is a collection of R packages designed to streamline and make data analysis easier.

Open RStudio and enter the following command in the Console.

install.packages("DBI", "rJava", "RJDBC", "keyring", "tidyverse")

Save Your Password in Your Secure Keyring

The keyring::key_set() function prompts the user to enter their password. The ability to have the R session interact with macOS Keychain keyring, Windows Credential Store keyring or Linux Secret Service keyring to obtain your password from a secure keyring. For additional information about keyrings on specific operating systems, please see the following:

Open RStudio and enter the following command in the Console. The following function stores your password in secure keyring of your operating system. Securely storing you password allows you to automate data pulls and script actions without including a password in the script.

keyring::key_set(service="MSUEDW", username="USERNAME")

After submitting the command, a password submission box opens. Enter your MSUEDW password and the “OK” button.

RStudio Password Prompt
RStudio Password Prompt

The keyring::key_set() function creates a MSUEDW entry within the keyring, in this case for macOS.

macOS Keychain Access
macOS Keychain Access

Exploring the entry, you can see the service name (MSUEDW), account name (USERNAME), and the password (1235567890). The Access Control enables the need to notice require the keychain (or keyring) password to access the password for any R session.

MSUEDW Attributes and Access Control within the macOS Keychain
MSUEDW Attributes and Access Control within the macOS Keychain

You can also retrieve the password using the keyring::key_get() command in the RStudio Console:

[1] "12345678910"

The R Script

The following describes the components of the R script used to interact with and download data from the MSUEDW. The script is segmented into components to facilitate easier explanations.

Set Java Parameters

The first line of the R file instructs Java to clean up after itself and use a maximum amount of user specified memory (aka RAM).

options(java.parameters = c("-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC", "-Xmx8192m"))

Typically, we set the only the maximum memory heap size and set it at a value of ~ 8 Gb; -Xmx8192m or -Xmx8g. If your computer has more memory, feel free to increase the value. See the -Xmx documentation for additional information. NB: From the -Xmx documentation, “-Xmx does not limit the total amount of memory that the JVM can use.”

Load Required R Packages

Next, we load the packages needed to query the SQL server and filter and merge the results.

Create Connection Driver

Create the JDBC connection drive using the classPath determined above.

jdbcDriver <- RJDBC::JDBC(driverClass="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver", 

Create Connection to MSUEDW

Create connection details for MSUEDW (details are found in the tnsnames.ora file). Remember to replace "USERNAME" with your username in both places. Also, the general connection format is included along with MSUEDW specific function.

# Connection format is:
# DBI::dbConnect(jdbcDriver, 
#                "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//", 
#                "username", "password")

MSUEDW.jdbc <- DBI::dbConnect(jdbcDriver, 

Construct SQL Query

Construct the SQL query to be passed to the SQL server. The query can be basic or complex. This example is very basic and selects the first 10 lines from the siscs.c_class_tbl_v table (view). We gave the variable a very general name (sql.query), but using a more specific name is advisable when making multiple data pulls. For example, a possible name for this query is sql.ClassTable where the sql indicates the variable contains an SQL query and ClassTable indicate the query is to pull class table data.

sql.query <- "select *
 from siscs.c_class_tbl_v
 where rownum <= 10"

Send Query and Fetch Results

These two command sends the SQL query to the indicated SQL server (dbSendQuery()) and then fetches (aka downloads) the data (dbFetch()). The variable contains the data resulting from your SQL query. Potentially better variable names include ClassTable.results and, respectively.

query.results <- dbSendQuery(MSUEDW.jdbc, sql.query) <- dbFetch(query.results)

Save the Data

Only save the data while excluding the query.results. It is prudent to retain the sql.query because it is possible that when reopening the data file, you do not have access to the original R script used to pull the data. This is common if you pull the data for a colleague or vice versa. Additionally, saving the query.results will cause errors when reading in the data file if the DBI package is not loaded.

save(list=c("sql.query", ""),

Close the JDBC Connection

Remember to clean up when done by closing the database connection.
