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Table/View Naming Convention

To easily navigate the EDW, Tables/Views have uniform prefixes and suffixes. The prefixes indicate the area the data is from while the suffixes indicate the type of data being presented.

Table/View Prefix

The prefix indicates the area (unit or depeartment) the data originated or what the data is related to.

Prefix Type of Data
A_ Academic Advisement/Degree Audit
B_ Student Financials (aka Billing)
C_ Course Catalog/Class Schedule
F_ Financial Aid
P_ Person/Student (admissions, bio-demographic,
and student record-related
tables that contain an EMPLID)
R_ Derived Reporting Views
S_ Support tables such as setup and configuration
T_ PeopleTools and EDW Tools
X_ Crosswalks: legacy SIS <-> Campus Solutions

Table/View Suffix

The suffixes indicate the type of data available within the Table/View and are a bit diverse. It is possible that not all available views are present below due to recent changes. The _AV and _RAV views include time stamped data to allow those interested to see and explore data for an individual changed over time. The dated data is referred to as “effective dated” by Campus Solutions, though, this term is a misnomer. The date indicates when the data of interest within the Table/View was changed. Unfortunately, those with write access to the EDW are able to also set these dates.

Suffix Description
_V Non-Sensitive View (current updated)
_SV Sensitive View (current updated)
_AV All View (Pending, Historical, Current)
_STGV Stage View
_R Support RSV and RV Views
_RAV Requested/Derived/Report View with
pending, historical, and current
_RV Requested/Derived/Report View
_AGRV Aggregated Requested View
_AGV Aggregated View
_FV Field View
_H Period History View (not available to everyone)
_HV Period History View
_PRD_HV Period History View
_$V/_V0 Internal View

Term (aka Semester-Year) Designations and Construction

Within the legacy student information system, a four digit code was used to indicate the semester and year. Why they couldn’t use five digits is likely due to the meager storage capacities of a bygone era, but now we get to deal with the ramifications. To shorten the ideal year plus semester (e.g., YYYYS) format the designers of the term code (commonly referred to as the STRM column in the tables and views) removed the century digit from the year.

Specifically, the term code is a four digit representation of the century (position 1), the two-digit calendar year (positions 2 and 3), and the term (position 4). The following is the translation between digits and four-digit years and term types. To represent the spring semester during 2023, the STRM is 2232.

Within theHUB there is the convert.termCode() function that converts the digit form representing the year-semester into a human readable form. A function to convert the human readable form into the term code is under development.

Position Information
1 Century Code
(1 = 19xx & 2 = 20xx)
2 & 3 Two-Digit Calendar Year
4 Term Indicator (see below)

Term-Code Translation Table

This table is part of theHUB and is available via the term.translation constant.

Term abbreviation Full Term Name Short Term Name
1 Winter Quarter (WinterQ) WQ
2 Spring SS
3 Spring Quarter (SpringQ) SQ
5 Summer US
6 Summer Quarter UQ
8 Fall FS
9 Fall Quarter (FallQ) FQ
term.code <- "2208"

convert.termCode(term.code, term.type="full")
# [1] "Fall 2020"

convert.termCode(term.code, term.type="short")
# [1] "FS 2020"

Incorporating the convert.termCode() function into an EDW data pull and combined with a separation function (see below), allows the retention of the original term code and the creation of a human readable term code column, a column indicating only the semester (or quarter) type, and the year.

STRM College Course.Number Course.Section Course.Name
2188 GEOL 101 001 Intro to Rocks
2192 GEOL 201 001 Granite
2198 GEOL 301 001 Volcanic
2188 HIST 101 001 US History
2192 HIST 102 001 Eastern European History
2198 HIST 103 001 Pacific Island History
mutate(course.schedule, termCode=convert.termCode(STRM), term.type="short") |>
  separate(termCode, sep=" ", into=c("semester", "year"), remove=FALSE)

With the update of tidyr to version 1.3.0, the separate() function is no longer being updated and being superseded by separate_wider_delim(), separate_wider_position(), and separate_wider_regex().

mutate(course.schedule, termCode=convert.termCode(STRM), term.type="short") |>
  separate_wider_delim(term, delim=" ", names=c("semester", "year"), cols_remove=FALSE)

Either way, the results are the same. The new semester and year columns are added to the left-most side of the table (aka tibble or data.frame).

semester year STRM College Course.Number Course.Section Course.Name
FS 2018 2188 GEOL 101 001 Intro to Rocks
SS 2019 2192 GEOL 201 001 Granite
FS 2019 2198 GEOL 301 001 Volcanic
FS 2018 2188 HIST 101 001 US History
SS 2019 2192 HIST 102 001 Eastern European History
FS 2019 2198 HIST 103 001 Pacific Island History